I intentionally did not send out the Chime last week because I was not in the office last week, BUT as I was working on this week's Chime I realized I hadn't sent out the previous week's either. It was still sitting there with 'draft' next to it instead of 'sent.' I apologize! Below you will find my devotion from Febuary 10th... this is not an error. I wanted to include it since it didn't go out when I meant it to a couple of weeks ago. |
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Watering the Tree, Feeding the Soul- Monday, February 10, 2025 1Happy are those ~ Psalm 1 Many of the psalms can be categorized in different collections based on superscriptions that are found at the beginning of the psalm. You may be familiar with the most famous of these saying, “a psalm of David.” Most of the psalms have these superscriptions, but there are two the distinctly do not – psalm 1 and 2. Psalms 1 and 2 introduce us to the psalter and give us a lens for how one is to interpret the rest of the psalms through. Psalm 1 begins by setting up this duality of wickedness and goodness that comes from following the Torah (translated law) of God that separates them from those who do not. Now the law as it appears here is interesting. In a book from my seminary days, Introduction to the Psalms by Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford, she suggests that we might translate the word as instruction rather than law as that would’ve been the understanding of the Jewish people with the Psalm with it’s clear reference to the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the bible). This includes all of that which is life giving instruction from God and is celebrated rather that begrudgingly followed as we often think of laws today. But that’s not God’s desire for us – it’s not for us to simply exist. The psalm goes on for the trees that sit by the stream and are fed by this water, not only do they keep living, but they prosper, they bear the good fruit. Beloved siblings in Christ, God’s desire for you is for you to have life and have it fully. Find those things that give you joy, where the love of God shines the brightest for you. Spend time in scripture. Find time to prayer. Be with God in the ways only you and God know that you need to keep feeding your whole self. For more infomation visit: http://bethanylutheran166.tithelysetup.com/blog/watering-the-tree-feeding-the-soul
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Jesus' Sermon on the PlainSunday, February 23, 2025 "Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Joseph lives it in Egypt. Jesus preaches it in the gospel. The Spirit guides us into merciful lives with the power of forgiveness to reconcile what is fractured and divided. Such merciful living is the baptismal blessing of having put on Christ. It is the gift of the life-giving Spirit. It is a reflection of God’s glory revealed in Christ." - Sundays and Seasons Luke 6:17-49 17He came down with them and stood on a level place, with a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast of Tyre and Sidon. 18They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. 19And all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from him and healed all of them. For more infomation visit: http://bethanylutheran166.tithelysetup.com/media/2025-02-23-jesus-sermon-on-the-plain
Worship Volunteer Schedule
If you are not able to be there, please work to find a replacement. If you need a list with phone numbers - please email Pastor Joseph. For more infomation visit: https://bethanylutheran166.tithelysetup.com/ministries/worship-and-music/pages/worship-volunteers
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Your Support is Needed Today
We are still collecting donations to help those impacted by the wildfires in California. 100% of those proceeds are going directly to Lutheran World Relief to help support families and communities hurt the worst by the fires. If you are able to give, please mark on your check, "Luther World Relief" "LWR," or something else that makes it clear where you want the money to go. |
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New Zoom Bible Study!
Are you still looking for a Lenten practice this year? Join us for a new bible study on Monday nights at 6:30PM in the digitial space via Zoom. We will spend time looking at the previous week's texts and pondering the ways the Spirit continues to call us today. For more infomation visit: http://bethanylutheran166.tithelysetup.com/news/new-zoom-bible-study
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Ash Wednesday WorshipWednesday, March 5, 2025 For more infomation visit: http://bethanylutheran166.tithelysetup.com/events/ash-wednesday-worship/2025-03-05
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Equal Exchange Coffee and Tea
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Synod News2025 Synod Assembly Resolutions and Memorials The 2025 Synod Assembly is May 16 and 17 at the Marriott Madison West (1313 John Q Hammons Drive, Middleton, WI).
On January 27 an email was sent to congregations and rostered leaders detailing how to submit resolutions and memorials for consideration by the assembly. Click here to view that email. You may also view the information on the Resources for Congregations and Leaders page on the synod website.
All resolutions and memorials must be submitted to Jill Sim, the SCSW Administrative Assistant, by March 3, 2025. For more infomation visit:
Week at a Glance
Monday: Office Hours: 9AM-12PM Tuesday: Office Hours: 9AM-12PM Commemoration of Elizabeth Fedde, deaconess, died 1921 Wednesday: Office Hours: 9AM-12PM Thursday: Office Hours: 9AM-12PM (Patstor Joseph in Madison) Friday: Office Closed. Saturday: Office Closed Commemoration of George Herbert, hymnwriter, died 1633 Sunday: Transfiguration of Our Lord Worship - 9:00AM Sunday School - 10:00AM Commemoration of John Wesley, died 1791; Charles Wesley, deid 1788; renewers of the church