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We have started our collection for Toys for Tots.  If you’d like to participate, please bring your new, unwrapped toy to church and place it in the wrapped box labeled Toys for Tots.  Please bring any items by December 1st so that they can be dropped off at St. Vincent on the 2nd.  

We have adopted a local family for Christmas!  The Adopt a Family tree is up in the narthex.  If you’d like to participate, please choose a tag, purchase the listed item, wrap it and place the tag on it before bringing it back to church. We can collect these items under our Mitten Tree in the lounge.  Emily will plan to deliver these items to the family the week before Christmas, so please bring gifts by Sunday, December 15th. 

We also have the ELCA Good Gifts tags again this year. They are hanging up in the narthex. 

We will be decorating the church for the holiday season after service on Sunday December 1st !  We are planning on a meal to be served after the decorating is completed. Members of the social committee will prepare the meal and ask that those in attendance provide a donation towards the meal cost. Any remaining funds will be used for future events.  If you plan to attend, please sign up in the lounge so we know how much food to prepare. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Joseph or one of the Social Committee members - Emily Olson, Kim Field, Susan Hall, Boni Hanson, Pam Jensen, and Paige Doegen